A Ninja in Nikes.

Let’s Try This Again…
October 18, 2011, 21:52
Filed under: Introduction


OK, so this is the re-reopening of sheknowB here at wordpress. Wow, I didn’t realize I started one in ’06. I plan to actually keep this one somewhat updated (I hope). #justdoit

So a little bit about me. I was born and raised in the most beautiful spot in the world, the Kingdom of Hawai’i. Can’t beat it, I wouldn’t trade growing up anywhere else. I have a sneaker loving disease, and it’s critical. I like to get my fingers dirty while I’m digging for records. If they don’t get dirty then you’re not digging hard enough. Stumbling upon musical finds should be classified as a drug, I get high every frickin time. My taste in music is very eclectic, and I’m not even joking. Good music transcends everything. As I approach 30 years of existence on this planet, I’ve learn there is only one constant in the world, CHANGE. Embrace it, because it’ll never go away. #AlohaServedDaily

The beginnings,
March 18, 2006, 07:00
Filed under: Introduction

SheknowB’s first mark here @ wordpress.  I was turned onto this site by a friend, I’m going to turn this blog into my everyday.  At first I want to use this blog simply to post my art projects, photographs, illustrations, etc just to get my creativity back up to speed and to get feedback on my work.  I’ll B back to add, welcome to A Ninja in Nikes.